Discovering Deskfirst Series – What Deskfirst Can Do for Law Firms

Collaboration and file-sharing are essential components for law firms, and Deskfirst is the perfect tool to help companies address these needs. In this part of the Discovering Deskfirst Series, we’ll cover how Deskfirst can help law firms companies optimize their collaborative process.

Deskfirst Team

March 9, 2023

Collaboration and file-sharing are essential components for law firms, and Deskfirst is the perfect tool to help companies address these needs. In this part of the Discovering Deskfirst Series, we’ll cover how Deskfirst can help law firms companies optimize their collaborative process.

Deskfirst’s tagline is straightforward – online file-sharing and collaboration spaces with the familiar desktop look & feel.

Now, the question that many times people ask is: “So basically if creatives want to work with clients they just use Deskfirst?“

And we get it – it’s quite clear what an online platform that has a super-intuitive interface that every person knows how to work with and allows creating multiple desktops, sharing them with different people, customizing the branding and so much more can do for creatives; they work with clients and they share creative assets, so it makes sense.

But there are many business use cases for Deskfirst that are often overlooked. One of them is for law firms, lawyers, and attorneys!

In today’s article we’ll be looking at a use case for a law firm called Keller & Associates.

Keller & Associates provides its clients with legal assistance in various fields like corporate, commercial, real estate, and inheritance law.

But when it comes to collaboration and file-sharing, what are the specific needs of Keller & Associates?

Easy to Organize and No Learning Curve – Keller & Associates requires a platform that’s extremely easy to organize and intuitive to guarantee that collaboration with clients is smooth and frictionless for everyone involved. Deskfirst delivers just that! Because Deskfirst’s interface looks and feels just like a real desktop, it makes organizing clients’ documents and files effortless, even if there are thousands of files; uploading files can be done by dragging and dropping files from their device, and it’s possible to open multiple folder windows simultaneously and move files between them with the built-in file explorer! And because the interface looks and feels just like a real desktop, it eliminates the learning curve and technical difficulties, even for people who have the most basic experience with a computer.

Open multiple folder windows simultaneously and move files between them with the built-in file explorer, just like a real desktop.

Top Notch Branding and Customization – as a law firm, Keller & Associates know that their branding is crucial to how clients perceive them, and that’s why they’ve invested so much in it. At the same time, they recognize the immense importance and deep care their clients have for their own brand. That’s why they require a platform that will allow them to deeply customize the branding and appearance of the workspaces they share with clients. With Deskfirst, Keller & Associates can address the branding needs of both parties! It allows them to create a different web desktop (i.e. workspace) for every client and customize its background using the integrated Unsplash library and upload a custom logo to showcase both the law firm’s and the client’s brand.

Customize each web desktop's background using the integrated Unsplash library and upload a custom logo!

Clients’ Data Separation and Easy Access Permission Management – juggling between many different clients’ documents, files, and access permissions is a complicated task that Keller & Associates struggles with on daily basis, which is why they require a platform that will allow them to separate each client into a dedicated workspace so that both files and access permissions related to every client will be managed on the workspace level to prevent cases where files are uploaded to the wrong place or unauthorized people are granted access to sensitive information. Deskfirst enables the law firm to create a distinct web desktop (i.e. workspace) for each client and upload the relevant files to it, and manage access permissions on the web desktop level, instead of on the file or folder level. This simplifies files and assets management and allows significantly better monitoring of access permissions for each client’s web desktop, reducing the possibility of costly mistakes to virtually zero.

Create a separate web desktop for each client and control permissions on the web desktop level to reduce the chance of making mistakes.

To summarize, Deskfirst's user-friendly interface, customizable branding options, and secure isolation of clients in separate web desktops make it an excellent solution for law firms and for any other business that needs to collaborate and share files. If you haven't tried it yet, sign up for free now!

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